With our fleet of over 35 fully equipped service vehicles a qualified technician is always available 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Our staff combined with our team of expertly trained electricians dedicated to providing Quality workmanship, prompt, efficient Service and exceptional overall Value is why 95% of our business comes from repeat customers and referrals.
When you are asked by your City’s Electrical department or Technical Safety BC to obtain an annual electrical operating permit for your building, it’s essential to understand the process and requirements. We can assist you through the entire process, whether it’s to gather the information necessary to complete your application with Technical Safety BC or completing the application for you with applicable Cities.
An operating permit ensures that a qualified individual is responsible for your technical equipment on your premises. This includes the safe operation, maintenance and inspection of equipment, as well as ensuring that the appropriate records are maintained and available on request by safety officers.
Under the supervision of a Field Safety Representative (FSR), owners can conduct regular maintenance work without having to take out multiple electrical installation permits.
Operating permits are required in a wide variety of situations, including but not limited to; buildings with high electrical service, public spaces, warehouses, manufacturing facilities and multi-occupancy buildings such as hotels, office high-rises, strata-owned condominiums and apartment buildings.
Cost Calculation: The cost of the annual permit is determined based on the KVA (kilovolt-ampere) rating of your building’s service.
Strata or Multi-Tenant Buildings: In the case of strata or multi-tenant buildings, all work pertaining to common areas must be performed by Wespac. However, individual unit owners or tenants may hire their own electrician for work within their respective units. It is important to note that any work carried out within the units must be permitted separately from the annual permit.
Preliminary Inspection: Prior to issuing the necessary information for your permit with Technical Safety BC or applying for the permit for you in applicable cities, we will conduct a preliminary inspection. This inspection aims to identify any potential hazards and ensure that the building meets our safety standards. In the event that unsafe conditions are detected, we will need to rectify the issues before proceeding with the annual permit process.
City Inspections: As part of the annual permit process, we will coordinate two billable inspections each year with the city inspectors, if required. These inspections are conducted to ensure compliance with electrical safety regulations and to maintain the overall safety of your building.
Log Book Requirement: A log book will be placed in the electrical room of your building. It is essential that we fill out this log book every time we perform any electrical work in the building. This practice helps maintain a record of all electrical work carried out and contributes to ongoing safety compliance.
We hope that this information provides you with a better understanding of the requirements and processes involved when asked to obtain an annual electrical operating permit. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us. Your safety is our utmost priority, and we are committed to ensuring compliance and maintaining a secure electrical environment in your building.
We are here to provide you with more information, answer any questions you may have and help find an effective solution for your next project. Fill out the short form below, or give us a call at 604.522.1322
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